The ceremony was held by DoH in partnership with Abu Dhabi Blood Bank Service (ADBBS), a DoH initiative managed by public health provider Abu Dhabi Health Services Company and private health provider Pure Health.
About 200 donors attended the ceremony, and the Ministry of Health emphasized their importance in saving lives. Regular blood donations help provide the number of units needed for some critical medical procedures, the ministry said.
“The Ministry of Health appreciates the invaluable and priceless efforts of our blood donation heroes across the country. According to this year’s slogan “Donating blood is an act of solidarity”, I hope that more and more blood donors will join the blood donation effort so we can continue to save lives ,” said Deputy Health Minister Dr Jamal Alkabi. “We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to blood donors for their humanitarian efforts to save the lives of thousands of patients. At ADBBS, we are continually engaging with loyal donors and entities in support of their noble humanitarian contributions, ” said Dr Huda Al Shamsi, Director of ADBBS.
Salma Suhail Al Khaili is one of the UAE recipients who has been a donor for over 15 years. “Donating blood is a humanitarian act and I know this little act helps to help those most in need. That’s why I want to encourage more and more volunteers to donate blood to help save lives. Without a doubt, Donating blood embodies the values of giving and kindness that we learned from our founding father, the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan,” Al Khaili said.
“Donating blood is a small part of giving back to my country and the most precious part I can give to my country and its people. I call on all Emiratis and UAE residents to donate blood because it is one of the most selfless acts you can do. Nothing Comparable to the happiness I feel every time I donate blood,” said Ahmed Abdullah Ismail, an Emirati who donates blood regularly.
Recipients — including newborns, pregnant women, trauma patients, and patients with blood disorders and other medical conditions — aren’t the only ones who benefit from donating blood, as blood donors also have great health benefits. Donating blood can help detect underlying health problems, reduce excess iron in the blood, stimulate the body to produce blood cells, and also reduce the risk of heart disease, liver problems, fight cancer, and control cholesterol levels.
Over the past five years, approximately 200,000 blood donors in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi have donated nearly 400,000 blood units, contributing to improving and saving the lives of countless patients.
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