Jalal, an Indian expat living in Abu Dhabi, said she only bought her tickets a few days before the draw. She shared her ticket with colleagues and friends. Jalal said she hopes to make a difference in the community by setting aside some of the wins for local charities. The rest will be used to support her family back home, she said.
Another Indian expat from Abu Dhabi, Roy, said he and his friends have been buying Big Tickets every month for the past five years. On May 1 this year, Roy was overjoyed to learn that he had won AED 300,000 in a draw. He said he would continue to enter the big lottery.
Mahmood, a Dubai-based Pakistani who works for a glass installation company, won Dh15 million in a big draw. For five years, he has been buying big ticket raffles every month. In the end, he won! Mahmood splits the winnings with close friends who live in Pakistan.
Nizameddin, the latest big ticket winner in Abu Dhabi, made history by becoming the first St Kitts and Nevis national to win in the draw. Nizameddin, a long-time Abu Dhabi resident, has also been buying tickets every month for the past two years. The executive manager of a company specializing in power generation is a family man. He plans to use his winnings to buy properties for his three children as an investment for their future.
Bouchra, co-host of Big Ticket Abu Dhabi said: “At Big Ticket, it’s great to see how the lives of winners – and those around them – can change instantly. That’s what Big Ticket has on the chain for winners and the wider community. reaction.”
This year, Big Ticket awarded 60 cash prize winners with a combined value of over AED110 million.
Richard, co-host of Big Ticket Abu Dhabi said: “Big Ticket is more than a raffle, it’s a platform that supports real change. I’m very excited about the stories the winners shared today and how they decided to share their prize money with others. move.”
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