Kochi: Swapna Suresh, accused in diplomatic gold smuggling case, has brought more serious charges against Kerala chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan. In the latest disclosure before the media, Swapner claimed that the Chief Minister’s Office had stepped in to provide bail for a United Arab Emirates (UAE) citizen arrested at Kochi Airport who was banned from using a satellite phone” Thuraya”. For Terrorist Activities, 4 August 2017.
“More details about the case will be released in the coming days,” Swapner told reporters in Kochi. She also produced a copy of the First Information Report (FIR) filed by the police in this regard.
It all started when the UAE consulate, where Swapner was working at Thiruvananthapuram at the time, received a call that an Emirati citizen had been arrested at Kochi airport and detained by Nedumbassery police. “The consul general asked me to contact the chief minister. According to the consul general, Pinaraj had told him that whenever such an incident occurred, he should be notified. So, I called Sir Sivasankar (the chief secretary of Pinarai at the time) ) and passed it on to him,” Swapner said.
“Sivasankar replied that he would speak to the chief minister and then got back to me. Within 10 minutes, I got a call from Sivasankar. He said he had told Pinaraj about the development and everything was arranged,” she added.
“The Chief Minister’s Office intervened and the Emirati man was released on bail the next day. He was flown from India on August 7. There was no further investigation into such a serious incident,” Swapner said.
She also pointed out that the Chief Minister had advised the NIA (National Bureau of Investigation) to investigate the gold smuggling case but let go without any investigation an Emirati citizen who was intercepted by a satellite phone used by a terrorist group.
“The Emirati citizen arrived at Kozhikode Airport from Abu Dhabi on July 30. In fact, he was born in Egypt and is not a true Emirati native. Later, on August 4, he tried to fly on Oman Air The flight was arrested by CISF (Central Industrial Security Force) at Nedumbassery when he escaped. There is no investigation into what this person did in Kerala during this period,” Swapner said.
“Later, I prepared an affidavit under the instructions of the PRO and signed it by the consul general. Then I sent it on WhatsApp. The man was arrested on August 4, detained until August 6, and under this The affidavit was released the same day. He then flew back to his country on August 7. The chief minister and Sivasankar allowed the terrorists to flee India,” Swapna said.
She also resumed the attack on former minister KT Jaleel. “When I mentioned the breach of the agreement, Jaleel had asked if it was serious enough to warrant the death penalty. When the country’s chief minister personally helped terrorists flee the country, he thought the breach was not serious, which is natural Yes,” Swapner said.
“Why did Pinaraj help the UAE consulate to release a terrorist? It is clear that he is engaging in this illegal act to allow his daughter to complete business transactions in the UAE,” Swapner said.
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