Bethlehem, Pennsylvania – Crowds continue to fill the streets of Bethlehem music Festival.
“The crowd was fantastic, a lot of people. You could say things are getting back to normal,” said Nicole Capuano of Bethlehem.
The pandemic has left people all over the world desperate to get back to normal life and start attending events again. The event to be held now is the music festival.
“It’s so frustrating. I’m so happy that everything is back to normal now and I’m able to enjoy the performance in the crowd,” Capuano said.
Progress was made as the world slowly turned. People are now back on the streets of Bethlehem, filling their cups and enjoying festive treats.
“Everybody’s excited to get back to a normal lifestyle,” said Brook Spencer of Bethlehem.
The team behind the 11-day event said attendance has been increasing.
Kassie Hilgert, president and CEO of ArtsQuest, said, “We feel as good as you feel right now.”
From last year to this year, Hilgert said they saw more people coming back to the event. That’s an 11 percent increase from last summer’s festival, to be exact.
“Last year, I thought we were a little under 1.2 million, and I think we’re getting close to that very soon,” Hilgert said.
We asked her if she thought they would beat the number of people who passed through the festival grounds last year.
“I’m superstitious, I wouldn’t say that, but I would say our trend is very strong. We have three days,” Hilgert said.
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