Passing gas is a fact Life; everyone does it, and it’s actually more worrisome if someone never let the gas out than they did. But if flatulence is something you experience more than normal, troubleshooting can be a tricky one.
“Bloating and bloating are some of the most common symptoms that patients describe in a gastroenterologist’s office,” says Dr. Leon S. Maratchi, MDA board-certified gastroenterologist at Gastro Health. Dr. Kyle Staller, MD, MHP, the board-certified gastroenterologist and director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Gastrointestinal Motility Laboratory, said it’s also the biggest complaint he hears from patients. When patients indicated to him that they had been feeling bloated, first, he asked them to clarify what they meant. For some people, gas can mean frequent hiccups, Dr. Staller said. For others, it means bloating and feeling like there is an unusual amount of gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Some focus primarily on flatulence.some people are often morning and others at night.
When you meet with a gastroenterologist, it is important to be specific about what you mean. And there’s no need to be embarrassed; after all, it’s their job to talk about flatulence. No matter how you define flatulence, both doctors say there are a few reasons that regularly pop up as culprits. Here are the top eight reasons they found bloating.
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8 common reasons for feeling bloated
1. You have recently increased your fiber consumption
Fiber is a key nutrient for health and one that the vast majority of people don’t get enough of. But Dr. Staller said that if someone significantly increases their fiber intake in a short period of time, it can lead to gas. That’s because their digestive systems aren’t used to processing so much at once, he said.
Dr. Maratchi agrees, saying: “If we consume too much fiber, usually more than 70 grams per day, bloating and gas can occur. Fiber makes bowel movements larger and bulkier, and it also promotes fermentation and gas formation. That’s why. Excessive fiber intake can lead to gas.”
Dr. Staller emphasizes that gas shouldn’t be a sign of cutting fiber in your life. Instead, he says to slowly increase your intake. Drinking water in fiber-rich meals can also help dilute the fiber, making it easier to get into the digestive system, says Dr. Maratchi.
2. You are sensitive to FODMAP foods
FODMAP Represents fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides and monosaccharides and polyols. Dr. Staller explained that FODMAP foods are mostly carbohydrates that bacteria in the body ferment and turn into gas. Because of this, he says FODMAP foods are more likely to cause gas than other types of foods. For this reason, a gastroenterologist may recommend a low-FODMAP diet to people who experience bloating frequently.
Adhering to a low-FODMAP diet is fairly restrictive and cuts many nutrient-dense foods from a person’s diet, says Dr. Staller. Therefore, it is not meant to be followed in the long run. Also, some people may only be sensitive to certain types of FODMAPs and do not need to eliminate all FODMAP types from their diet. Because of its complexity, Dr. Staller recommends working with a gastrointestinal doctor and a nutritionist or dietitian. This way, you can make sure you’re still getting all the nutrients you need and work toward a plan to get out of a low-FODMAP diet.
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3. You are sensitive to dairy products
The question “Who cuts the cheese?” is a bit of an interesting one; both doctors say many people are sensitive to lactose-containing foods, which can lead to gas. “Humans are the only mammals that drink milk directly from other species to adulthood. As children, we have an enzyme in our small intestine called lactase, which helps digest lactose, the sugar in milk. As we age, our body’s ability to digest lactose decreases as lactase production decreases,” said Dr. Maratchi. “As a result, consuming dairy products such as milk, cheese and ice cream can lead to bloating, gas, gas and a noisy stomach.”
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If you can understand, he recommends taking a lactose supplement before eating dairy. Fortunately, there is no shortage of dairy-free alternatives on the market.
4. You have an intolerance or sensitivity to another food
While dairy is a common sensitivity, Dr. Staller says other sensitivities or intolerances can also cause gas. “For example, if someone cannot tolerate gluteneating wheat or other gluten-containing foods may cause gas,” he says. If you’re not sure what’s causing your symptoms, he recommends keeping a food journal of what you eat and how you feel afterward. .
5. Your food or drink contains artificial sweeteners
If you want to supplement your meals with sparkling water, Splenda-spiked coffee, or other beverages that contain artificial sweeteners, which may be the cause of your gas. In particular, sorbitol, which is often found in diet sodas and fruit juices, hardly anyone digests well, says Dr. Staller. It’s a sneaky reason many people don’t know about.
Plus, carbonated drinks can cause gas in some people, making diet soda a double whammy, says Dr. Maratchi. “Carbonated drinks introduce air into our stomachs in the form of carbon dioxide, causing bloating and belching after we drink soda, soda or soda. beer,” He says.
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6. Right before your period
Dr. Staller says it’s not uncommon for women who are menstruating to experience gas before their period. It’s caused by hormonal fluctuations, he said. a study It was found that 73% of study participants (all menstruating women with no history of gastrointestinal disease) reported at least one gastrointestinal symptom before or during menstruation.
7. You eat too fast
“We all know that some people eat lunch too quickly, especially when they’re running or when they’re pressed for time,” Dr. Maratchi said. He explained that when we “inhale” food, we swallow air as we eat. “Air gets trapped in our stomachs, which can lead to gas, bloating and indigestion,” he said. Use this as a sign of slowing down when you eat.
8. You may have irritable bowel syndrome, SIBO, or other gastrointestinal problems
In addition to all the potential causes of gas that have been highlighted, doctors say it could be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), or other gastrointestinal problems. Another reason why it’s important to talk to your GI doctor if you experience gas a lot is another reason. With their help, you can pinpoint potential problems and develop a treatment plan.
It’s worth reiterating that gas is normal and everyone experiences it. But if you feel gas is getting in the way of your normal life, it’s time to see your doctor. With their help, your flatulence will pass.
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