In its daily forecast Monday morning, the Met Office spoke of “Unstable weather conditions” in the UAE. By 7 am, some parts of Abu Dhabi had rains such as Al Dhafra and Ghantoot.
The Met Office quickly issued orange and yellow weather alerts, indicating that rain clouds were slowly forming from the west of the UAE into the country.
NCMs typically monitor convective clouds, which rise upward and look like cotton balls stacked one on top of the other. Depending on how much rainfall these clouds carry, the Met Office dispatches cloud-seeding flights to maximize rainfall across the country.
According to the NCM forecast Monday morning: “… cloud cover will gradually increase over scattered parts of the country with some rain-associated convective clouds.”
The latest weather forecast, released on Monday, added that temperatures in the UAE will drop significantly this week. Maximum temperatures will be between 22 and 26°C along the country’s coast. Temperatures in the interior will be between 24 and 28°C, with highs of 20 to 15°C in the mountains. Lows will drop to 8 to 9°C this week. So be prepared for cold nights, and if you’re planning a BBQ or camping trip, don’t forget to pack some warm clothing.
Coastal areas such as Dubai and Sharjah are expected to see maximum humidity of 85 percent this week, which tends to happen when rain is expected.
Moderate to strong winds of 20 – 30 km/h and sometimes up to 45 km/h are expected. As cloud activity increases, winds are expected to become stronger and kick up dust in some exposed areas.
Seas will be moderate to rough, especially if cloudy in the Arabian Gulf and Oman.A weather warning has also been issued for heavy rain in some “northern areas” [of the country]with [people] It is recommended to stay away from flash floods and accumulated rain areas. “
The Metropolitan Department is forecasting cloudy conditions through Friday, with rain expected on Tuesday and Wednesday. So treat yourself to one of your favorite monsoon snacks and head out to enjoy the fabulous weather…because we all have to get some rain.
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