Chicks With Stick’s second birthday is approaching. Founded in March 2021 by Irish expatriate Jenny Hennessy, she has always had a goal of offering affordable women’s team golf lessons in a fun and relaxed social environment, and it’s safe to say she This goal has been achieved.
With the girls’ team golf course initially set up in Dubai, Jenny expanded her Chicken Team to Abu Dhabi last September.recent gulf news scoop In preparation for the upcoming lessons, interviewed some of the teams who hold lessons at Abu Dhabi Golf Club, Instructional Director Kieren Pratt and PGA Golf Professional Amy Condon.
Thank you for watching Gulf News. Kieren Let’s start with you, how did Chicks With Sticks come to Abu Dhabi Golf Club?
crack- I saw this program was up and running on Instagram and I just thought “this chick with a stick, what a great idea. How can I start something like this at Abu Dhabi Golf Club?” Of course we already have A really nice lady program. I actually just hopped on to Instagram and messaged Jenny, the organizer of it all, and it just kind of picked up from there.
Amy, how often do you hold meetings here in Abu Dhabi?
Amy – So we have five sessions running. We start classes at 6pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and are on time every hour. We also offer a lot of courses, we offer beginners, intermediate and advanced courses, each with different levels. So, for example, in the Beginners 2.0 course, if they start a brand new five-week course with us, they’ll transition to Beginners 2.0. That way they don’t go to beginner level, then intermediate level, then advanced level, so you can work your way up so the level doesn’t increase dramatically. So it seems to be popular in that regard! I’ve been working here since September and the headcount started in the 40’s and is now close to 70 ladies and it’s fantastic!
What is your primary demographic for Chicks With Sticks?
crack– Quite a few teachers are involved. This five-week time period seems to work well. But we have nurses, lawyers, women who work in the oil and gas industry, and we actually have a couple of local ladies in Abu Dhabi who take courses here, which is pretty cool and unique. The market in Abu Dhabi is slightly different from the market in Dubai.
Amy – I think its main factor is that it’s in a relaxed, comfortable environment. You can show up in comfortable clothes. You don’t have to have strict golf etiquette, you can’t wear jeans, you have to wear a collar. You can throw on your workout gear and wear comfortable clothes. I think that’s a huge draw. The same goes for the environment, it’s a great way for people to meet other people, I know some of my friends are some of the people I originally coached in Dubai.
What do you think makes Abu Dhabi Golf Club such a good fit for Chicks With Sticks?
crack- We are very lucky at Abu Dhabi Golf Club. We have a big driving range and we have the athletics driving range we just built so we can play Lahinch at Abu Dhabi Golf Club and Jenny is from Abu Dhabi Golf Club and a whole bunch of Irish school teachers so we Ladies who can really give golf lessons to anyone and they can go on down and use the facilities and feel part of the membership even though they’re not really members of the golf club from a membership standpoint so it’s very tolerate. It was really cool to be involved in Abu Dhabi from the beginning, and the best part is that it’s a very social thing. This is a very relaxing, easy and fun way for women to get involved and start playing golf.
How much does golf affect Amy, a woman?
Amy – I’ve been playing golf for almost 12 or 13 years at this stage, and I’ve even seen the game change. It never was for me. So, if I may say so, this is a service where you take a five week course and be taught by a great golf instructor! But it’s a great opportunity, our goal is to grow the game, and it’s fantastic that we can do that with Chicks with Sticks.
Anyone who wants to get involved please email chickswithsticksdubai@gmail.com or check out their Instagram @chicks_with_sticks_x
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