Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon recently visited Dubai, accompanied by her actress sister Nupur, and during her stay, she experienced an adventure-filled experience by skydiving in the emirate.
The actress shared a video of her tandem skydiving trip on social media.
“Get out of my comfort zone! Literally. What an incredible experience. Checked off my bucket list,” Kriti wrote in her post.
Video captures her excitement before the dive. “Yeah. Butterflies in my stomach right now,” the star said before getting into the plane.
When the coach asked her how she was feeling in mid-air, Kriti said, “That’s great. It’s like a free bird.”
The tandem instructor she was driving with could be seen pulling a lever to open the parachute as the pair prepared to approach the Palm Jumeirah.
Kriti will next star opposite Shahid Kapoor for the first time in an as-yet-untitled film. She also starred alongside Prabhas and Saif Ali Khan in the movie Adipurush.
Nupur Sanon also posted a video of her skydiving experience on social media.
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