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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Acer Pushes the Limits of 3D Gaming with 3D Ultra Mode


Acer has made a major update to its glasses-free 3D gaming app SpatialLabs TrueGame, adding a 3D Ultra mode.

The new feature provides gamers with the ultimate 3D gaming experience through its enhanced stereoscopic rendering capabilities, projecting images with depth and realistic 3D geometry.

Designed for gamers who love to explore and lose themselves in immersive gameplay, SpatialLabs TrueGame can serve as a medium to explore and experience new realities as they set out on a quest for treasure and glory.

3D sense

The new update also includes 3D Sense, a set of 3D stereoscopic configurations that cater to gamer preferences for visual detail, effects, and intensity of 3D depth. TrueGame allows games to be presented in a way that suits different players and continues to support games with new profiles added monthly, including today’s list of AAA games and former top classics that users can enjoy in full 3D glory.

“Game development is an art form that calls upon developers to bring their dreams into incredibly realistic and captivating 3D worlds. It’s an endeavor that requires a significant investment of time and creativity,” said Jerry Kao, Co-COO, Acer .

“The viewing experience for gamers today is severely limited by 2D display devices. SpatialLabs TrueGame changes that as we continue to push the boundaries of the 3D gaming experience by adding full geometric 3D and unleashing the power of stereoscopic 3D technology.”

SpatialLabs TrueGame 3D Ultra

SpatialLabs TrueGame 3D Ultra mode provides a new stereoscopic 3D performance experience for the game world, allowing players to enter a new level of 3D entertainment.

It combines SpatialLabs eye-tracking solutions, stereoscopic 3D display and real-time scene rendering technologies to bring stunning 3D scenes, objects and characters to life. Users can instantly enjoy stereoscopic 3D gaming with the click of a button, as its patented One-Click Gaming feature allows TrueGame to automatically launch installed games with pre-configured 3D profiles.

With SpatialLabs TrueGame, developers can leverage information about in-game shaders and 3D geometry, and the 3D Ultra mode, which adds a second virtual camera, provides a uniquely immersive 3D experience.

AAA title

Game profiles that support the new TrueGame 3D Ultra mode include the latest AAA titles and a list of top games to explore. With the ease of use of the TrueGame app and the addition of an optimized 3D Ultra profile, 3D enthusiasts can easily enjoy smoother, wider-ranging glasses-free stereoscopic 3D effects, which are specially developed for each game title. TrueGame players and 3D gaming fanatics can also mingle on the SpatialLabs Community’s TrueGame Forum, an open space where they can air their ideas, share experiences, and learn from other gamers.

The 3D Ultra mode in SpatialLabs TrueGame will be available via software update at the end of January 2023. It also supports Predator Helios 300 SpatialLabs Edition gaming laptops and Acer SpatialLabs View monitors. — trade arab news agency


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