James Cameron’s Avatar The Way of Water Beyond Bollywood blockbusters in 2022 And it has raised Rs 20.75 crore on the second Saturday, bringing its total collection to Rs 223 crore. The film’s box-office rise of more than 50 percent outpaced new releases including Ranveer Singh’s Cirkus and the Telugu film Dhamaka. Second Saturday’s number is the highest for any Hollywood movie, surpassing “Avengers: Endgame.”
The Way of Water crossed the Rs 200 crore mark on its second Friday and is also cashing in on Christmas celebrations. The dubbed version of the film also does well in small centers. In southern India, Tamil Nadu has seen the fastest growth in collections, with an 80 percent increase, and Monday’s figure is expected to cross the Rs 2.5 billion mark. Expect the film to run non-stop until the Sankranthi celebrations, followed by several southern blockbusters. It is expected to become Hollywood’s third-highest-grossing film and cross the Rs 400 crore mark in the third week of January, but that will all depend on how the film performs after the festive festivities.
“Avatar 2” had a box office of 410 million rupees on its first day of release, making it the second-biggest box office in Indian Hollywood. Avengers: Endgame grossed Rs 530 crore on its opening day, still the highest-grossing film in Hollywood. Worldwide, Avatar: Way of Water has grossed more than $600 million.
Avatar: Way of Water stars Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang and Kate Winslet. Sam and Zoe reprise their roles as Jake Sully and Neytiri. The first “Avatar,” released in 2009, is the biggest movie in history, grossing $2.9 billion worldwide.
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