
BBC World News anchor Laura Trevelyan It has been announced that she will leave the BBC after 30 years to play a role in eradicating the legacy of colonialism in the Caribbean.
The decision comes weeks after Trevelyan apologized to the people of Grenada for her family’s ties to slavery. “We apologize to our ancestors for enslaving your ancestors,” she said in a statement. Letter dated 27 February.
In a tweet today, the host of the Emmy-winning show BBC World News USA Said she would leave to join the “growing movement for reparations justice in the Caribbean”.
Trevelyan published an email from Paul Royall, acting executive editor of BBC News, in which he thanked her for her “outstanding” contribution to the BBC over the past 30 years.
She is the latest BBC news presenter to leave as the broadcaster merges its international and domestic news channels. in january, Deadline revealed Veteran anchors David Eades, Joanna Gosling and Tim Willcox made voluntary layoffs ahead of the news channel change.
last month, The BBC tells 10 of the most experienced news anchors They have already lost their acting roles on the channel ahead of a reboot next month. They include Jane Hill, Martine Croxall and Ben Brown.
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