Global Village is the world’s leading multicultural festival park and the region’s first family destination for culture, shopping and entertainment. It will amaze visitors and take them on the strangest and weirdest journey in the world, and believe it or not. Ripley undergoes a major upgrade!® Odditorumahead season 26 opens.
Naveen Jain, Director of Global Village Business Development, said: “Every season, we hope to amaze our guests with new and exciting things to do and see. This season, we will give Ripley’s Believe it or not. Museum attractions and a frightening new gallery bring more than 50 new iconic exhibits. Coupled with the 4Dx cinema and upgraded mirror maze, we are pretty sure our guests will be extremely happy with all the weirdness!”
Offering a different world, the very popular Ripley, believe it or not! Vibrant and eye-catching museum attractions of strange things are a must-visit for every curiosity in the global village.
Ripley believe it or not! ®Odditoriumat Global Village has six unique galleries, displaying a variety of rare real-life exhibits and hands-on interactive experiences. When visiting the attractions, guests of the Global Village will have the opportunity to personally discover more than 250 rare cultural relics, incredible exhibits, wax figures of strange, unusual and historical figures, interactive games and whirlpool tunnels, so you have to experience and believe it yourself! A new “dark gallery” will be launched this season, which will excite fans of the horror genre. Guests can see incredible but authentic exhibits of ancient prison punishments.
In season 26, Ripley’s will introduce the 4Dx mobile theater for the first time, providing an immersive experience unlike anywhere in the Middle East. The theater features “three degrees of freedom”, a unique sports experience supported by 4Dx effects and virtual reality functions. Guests will feel the movement of the screen in the spacious sports seats, experience the effects of water such as fog and rain, experience the breeze or violent storm, and smell various smells.
Ripley’s fantastic mirror maze-with more than 100 mirrors, LED lighting, and digital sound-is now upgraded to immersive water and augmented reality (AR) capabilities. Guests must focus on all five senses to get out of the dazzling mirror reflections and surprising corner maze.
For more information, please visit: www.globalvillage.ae
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