Grover to Feature in ‘Bad Man’ Up Close and Personal Event
Veteran Bollywood Gulshan Grover will take part in the ‘Bad Man’ Close Encounters show at Dubai’s Indian Club on December 10th starting at 7pm.
C9 Films and Marketing Studio is organizing a series of programs featuring some of the biggest names in Bollywood cinema. This one-of-a-kind concept aims to get up close and personal with Indian movie stars.
The first guest in the series was Gulshan Grover, who appeared in 1980 as buzzing, has made more than 400 films in his film career.He also established himself in Hollywood The Second Jungle Book: Mowgli and Baloo, where he plays the role of Baldev. Since then, he has starred in many foreign language films.
C9 Films and Marketing Studio also aims to bring together talented directors, writers, technicians and producers in an effort to learn more about their lives and the challenges they face in their careers.
These events will provide a great opportunity for film buffs and the general public to interact with veterans of the Indian film industry.
Vevek Paul, the brains behind the idea, wanted to bring the best-loved artists and celebrities to the region with his Up Close and Personal collections. He said: “These events won’t be just another talk show. It will contain drama, emotion and laughter. It will educate the public about what’s happening on and off the set of the film.”
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