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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Coronavirus: UAE reports 1,550 Covid-19 cases, 1,508 recovered, and 5 deaths-News


Compared with June, the number of daily Covid-19 cases in the UAE has dropped by nearly 25% this month.

The UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention reported 1,550 cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus on Thursday, as well as 1,508 recoveries and 5 deaths.

These cases were discovered through as many as 302,236 tests performed within 24 hours.

Covid-19 cases occur every day in the UAE Down nearly 25% this month Compared to June, this is due to increased public awareness, reduced hesitation on the Covid vaccine, and a surge in RT-PCR screening.

After the number of cases reached a two-month high of more than 60,000 in June, there is concern that the number of positive cases will rise as the infectious Delta variant is tested. However, medical experts say that effective strategies and a cautious response from the public can help control this situation.

To further simplify travel, Etihad Airways stated that passengers travelling abroad from Abu Dhabi 72 hours No need for negative PCR Covid-19 test report When returning to the UAE capital. However, passengers are required to carry a negative PCR report when leaving the flight at Abu Dhabi International Airport.

“For travels of less than 72 hours, valid PCR tests performed in the UAE are now also available for the return journey. This means there is no need to perform PCR tests again before flying back to Abu Dhabi… The certificate is valid for 72 hours from the results Time,” the airline said.

At the same time, the neighboring countries of the UAE have taken stronger measures to curb the spread of the virus.

Oman extended night confinement period The government stated that in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus, movement and commercial activities will be restricted from 10 pm to 4 am until further notice.

Saudi Arabia says citizens will need Two doses of Covid-19 vaccine before traveling Departure from August 9th.


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