I have a real estate in dubai The tenant has until September 30 to move into the residence.However, I hope unit for sale as soon as possible.
I know I need to give them one 12-month notarized eviction notice. Can I serve this notice and sell the property while the tenant is still there before September 30th?
I live in Singapore. Can this be done without me going to Dubai?
Do eviction notice It needs to be delivered directly to the tenant by a courier company or you can Posted on the door of the unit?
Do you have an approximate figure for the cost of creating this notification and delivering it? Singapore R&D Center
12-month notice of eviction of tenant should be served after expiration of the above period Rental agreementaccording to Law No. 26 of 2007 and Law No. 33 of 2008 as amended, which regulate the relationship between landlords and tenants.
However, some judges of the Tenancy Dispute Resolution Board allow this notice to be served at any time. So it looks like you can send notifications at any time.
You can also market the property and sell it with the tenants who live there.
Since eviction notices can be sent by notary public or by registered mail, you can send them from Singapore. You must translate the document into Arabic.
When the notice is sent by a notary public, it is also customary in Dubai to send it by registered mail.
Couriers would stick eviction notices on apartment doors, a move that was considered a delivery in the eyes of the court.
If you are unable to travel to Dubai, you can appoint one power of attorney Begin litigation on your behalf before the Rent Board.
You can use the services of a lawyer or transfer company do this. Their charges depend on who you choose, but start from around Dh4,000.
The cost of drafting a notarized eviction notice and sending it by registered mail should be less than AED 1,000.
I signed a memorandum of understanding to purchase a vacant unit from an individual seller. I had hoped to receive the condo from the developer in June 2022, but it’s not ready yet.
I checked out a similar apartment in another phase of the project and found it was not suitable because the bathroom was small.
I refused to do the transaction and offered the seller AED 90,000 as compensation for any damages he may have suffered.
However, the seller refused to cancel the MoU and insisted on paying the 10% deposit, as stated in the document. I haven’t sent the 10% deposit check to the agent.
The MoU was not implemented on the Dubai Land Department website. JL, Dubai
Since you cannot view the units you wish to purchase, I understand why you do not wish to proceed at this time.
When one party wishes to rescind the sales contract, the usual form of compensation is to forfeit the 10% deposit provided at the time of signing.
Even if you didn’t make the payment when you signed the MoU, that doesn’t mean you can’t make the payment now.
If your AED 90,000 is not equal to the 10% deposit, you should consider increasing the compensation amount.
A signed paper memorandum of understanding, while still a legal document, has no weight in the DLD.
For some time now, the electronically generated Form A (Contract between Agent and Seller) and Form B (Contract between Buyer and Agent) have been necessary to create Form F (Contract of Sale between Buyer and Seller). This is done through the DLD application.
Dubai Rentals, Q2 2022
The DLD says this is the right way to draft a contract for the sale of a property.
If the MoU was not formulated in this way, the DLD would not honor it in the event of a dispute. Therefore, you need to go to civil court to resolve your dispute. This will take time and cost a lot of money.
If you can arrange for the mutual agreement to cancel the contract between you and the seller, this will be more appropriate than going to court.
Or, to avoid unnecessary expenses, you can still buy the device and try to sell it to someone else right away. This will give you freedom, but it may take a long time.
Mario Volpi is Sales and Rental Manager for Engel & Volkers. He has been in the real estate industry for over 35 years in London and Dubai. The opinions expressed do not constitute legal advice and are provided for informational purposes only.Any questions please send to mario.volpi@engelvoelkers.com
Updated: September 8, 2022 4:00 AM
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