Starring Ajay Devgn Drishyam 2 This is the sequel to the 2013 version Derisiam It was released on Friday earlier this week. The movie, which also stars Akshaye Khanna, Tabu and Shreya Saran, picks up the story of the Salgaonkar family from the previous edition. Not surprisingly, just like the first movie, Drishyam 2 It opened well, with positive reviews from audiences and critics alike. Just like its performance in the domestic market, Drishyam 2 It also performed well in overseas markets.
In fact, in overseas markets of UAE/GCC Drishyam 2 Already managed to stay strong.After withdrawing $259,000 [Rs. 2.11 cr.] On Day 1 (including Thursday’s paid preview), the film’s business grew by an additional $243,000 [Rs. 1.98 cr.] There will be more the next day.With 4,150 screens released (3,302 domestic screens + 858+ overseas screens), it is not surprising that this movie performed well, and the industry predicts that Drishyam 2 Will see further growth.
Currently, the total collection Drishyam 2 $502,000 in the UAE/GCC market after two days [Rs. 4.09 cr.] Includes earnings from Thursday’s paid preview. According to current trends, the Drishyam 2 Will definitely see further growth in the first week of operation. In fact, the positive feedback the film received, combined with its wide release, meant the film was a success.
Drishyam 2 UAE/GCC Box Office Collection at a Glance
Day 1 – $259,000 [Rs. 2.11 cr.]
Day 2 – $243,000 [Rs. 1.98 cr.]
More pages: Drishyam 2 Box Office Collection , Drishyam 2 movie review
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