Weather in most areas United Arab Emirates It will continue to be hot this week with temperatures above 40°C.
Winds will reach 15 to 25 kilometers per hour to ease the heat.
However, Fujairah will be much cooler all week with a high of 33°C and a low of 28°C.
Temperatures are expected to top 41°C on Sunday Dubai The temperature in Abu Dhabi is 42°C.
The weather is expected to remain largely unchanged for the next few days, except for a cloudy day Eastern Emirateaccording to the weekly forecast from the National Weather Center.
“It will be cloudy to partly cloudy in the afternoon, clouds will appear east. Light to moderate southeasterly to northeasterly winds…dust blowing during the day at 15-25 at 35 km/h,” NCM said of said Monday’s forecast.
On Tuesday, Dubai is expected to reach 42°C and Abu Dhabi is expected to reach 41°C.
It will continue to be cloudy at times, with a chance to form convective clouds eastward in the afternoon.
Winds will also be strong in parts of the country, possibly reaching speeds of 40 kilometers per hour.
Temperatures in Dubai are likely to drop slightly on Wednesday, reaching as high as 39°C. The NCM is forecasting a maximum temperature of 42°C in Abu Dhabi.
Convective clouds are likely to form again in the afternoon in the eastern emirate, with winds of up to 40 kilometers per hour.
Abu Dhabi could hit a high of 44°C on Thursday, while Dubai could hit 41°C.
Updated: August 28, 2022 6:34am
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