Results, interactive data and methodology of the YouGov poll, August 31-September 4, 2022 Views on representation in the U.S. entertainment industry.
topline: Results for each question by an adult U.S. citizen
surface: Results for each question, broken down by attributes such as race, age, gender, and political party
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How Respondents Are Selected: An opt-in group from YouGov representing all adult U.S. citizens
Who responded: 1,000 adult U.S. citizens
Method: Online
when: 31 August – 4 September 2022
How the sample was weighted: Gender, Age, Race, and Education, as well as News Interest and 2020 Presidential Vote (or not), according to the 2018 American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau
Margin of error: about 4% for the overall sample
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Image: Adobe stock (WavebreakmediaMicro)
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