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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Expo 2020 Dubai: Don’t miss the giant slide at the Luxembourg Pavilion-News


With the theme of “Resource-rich Luxembourg”, the museum boasts of the country’s openness and vitality

Every country’s pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai offers some cool things, and the huge slide in Luxembourg is undoubtedly impressive.

After exploring the pavilion and discovering interesting facts about European countries, visitors can take the slide when leaving. This is its process:


this #Luxembourg The pavilion is the most exciting pavilion of our multimedia magazine Abdul Karim! #expo2020 #expo2020Dubai #Dubai #UAE #mydubai

Original Sound-Khaleej Times

Did you know that some of the steel and glass used to build the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world, was produced in Luxembourg? All these trivial things and so on are waiting for the guests in the exhibition hall.

With the theme of “Resource-rich Luxembourg”, the museum boasts of the country’s openness and vitality. It shows how Luxembourg combines its human, natural, technological, industrial and financial resources to create a more sustainable future.

Expo 2020 Dubai: Don’t miss the giant slide of the Luxembourg Pavilion (https://www.khaleejtimes.com/assets/jpg/KT30581104.JPG)

The visitor’s journey started with a few questions displayed on the screen as they waited in line to enter the pavilion.

“This is to keep tourists engaged and excited while waiting for their turn,” a representative said.

Then, everyone was greeted by Grand Duke Henry, the head of state of Luxembourg, who appeared on the huge screen.

Visitors can start with “diversity” and explore the country with five themes. Citizens of more than 170 countries live in the country, and 70 screens show foreigners telling their stories.

Expo 2020 Dubai: Don’t miss the giant slide of the Luxembourg Pavilion (https://www.khaleejtimes.com/assets/jpg/KT30582104.JPG)

The next theme “Connectivity” shifts the focus to the country’s digital strategy. Then guide the guests into the “sustainability” theme, they explore green initiatives, and then “enterprising”, emphasizing the progress of science and telecommunications.

Visitors then watched a seven-minute multimedia program on a curved screen, showcasing the country’s satellite and space projects.

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The tour ends in the open-air atrium-a replica of the Luxembourg Forest, embodying the last theme “beauty”. Then this is where the guest must make a decision: take the elevator or go to the sidewalk to exit-or slide out.

In fact, this is the first giant slide in the history of the World Expo. This is an interesting tribute to the traditional Luxembourg exposition “Schueberfouer” dating back to 1340.



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