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Ebony K. Williams Must have caused a sensation Real Housewives of New York City When Season 13 premiered in May.
As RonnieThe first black housewife, The former political commentator did not shy away from initiating complex and Important dialogue about race White privileges with other ladies (everyone is white except for “friends” Boshanshaw). Bravo was extremely happy.
“Bravo invited Eboni K. Williams to join as the first Real Housewives of New York Become her true self, which brings a new perspective to the show,” the network told E! News in a statement. “We support Eboni to express her views, and we are proud that the show is addressing these important and relevant issues. problem.”
Now, Eboni is reflecting on the first half of her first season, how she maintained her true self throughout the process, and the future of season 13. Read on for our exclusive Q&A with Eboni.
Eh!News: How does it feel to look at yourself Ronnie?
EKW: Although I have worked on TV as a news anchor and host for nearly 10 years, I have never experienced my life every day in this way. This is an eye-opener for me, and it’s really hard sometimes.Then there was a time like this [this week’s] When I communicated with my grandmother in that very beautiful scene of the surrender, the scene was very beautiful and I would not trade for this world.
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