Son of Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan tamur ali khan His sixth birthday party was held in Mumbai on Thursday. Karina shared some interior photos of the Star Wars-themed party on social media. Although Taimur will be turning six on December 20, the party happened a few days earlier.
Sharing a photo of Taimur enjoying the bouncy house, Kareena called him her “Jedi Knight” and wrote in the caption, “This is a sure sign that parties are popular ❤️🥳🥳My Jedi Tim ❤️” she shared another photo of Saif, Kareena and Tim posing in front of the decorations.
See additional photos from the Teymur Star Wars themed party.
Kareena and Saif welcomed Taimur in 2016. Taimur has been photographed by the media since a very young age, and in an earlier talk, Kareena said people have to learn to accept it. Actor Laal Singh Chaddha said in an interview with India Today: “You just have to learn to live with it. Each is its own. The more you try to escape it or control something, I don’t know. I even Didn’t think too much about it.” She added, “I was like ‘You, okay, fine, whatever’. Just take a picture, take a picture. Get it done and don’t bother me. That’s it. to shoot him.”
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On the movie front, Kareena is looking forward to Sujoy Ghosh’s Devotion of Suspect X, which will be released on Netflix. She is also working on a film with Hansal Mehta, of which she is one of the co-producers.She will also be with Tabu and critic i say In the crew.
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