The United Arab Emirates is producing A.I. Startups, and other 3.0 enterprises are already well known in the world of business. Still, it looks like we discovered something unique here. It seems that a platform has been created to help small business owners globally for the very first time. In fact, it looks so promising that even the Royal Private Office of His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Faisal Al Qassimi secured itself a piece of the pie.
After talking to some business insiders, we have been told that this could be easily the next Billion Dollar dot com company within the next 3-5 years in the U.A.E.
Of course, we asked the Founder and C.E.O. of Global Partners Portal L.L.C., Mr. Mario Radosavljevic, for an interview and if he is willing to answer some questions.
Mr. Mario Radosavljevic, to our information, you just arrived at the end of December 2021 in Dubai after living for many years in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Why this change?
Firstly, thank you very much for this interview but back to your question. The move from Monaco to the U.A.E. was emotionally challenging, to be honest, because, as you can imagine, Monte Carlo is a lovely place to live. What didn’t make it easier for me was that I was never before in Dubai and did not know what to expect. However, after preparing myself for nearly 1 year to make this move, I fell in love with Dubai and the U.A.E. already before I arrived there.
That sounds nice, but how is that possible?
My whole life, I have been striving to give my best, and that’s what I also expected from the other side of the table. But, look what the United Arab Emirates has done in just 50 years! It is not only the incredible skyscraper landscape but building things like the Burj Khalifa on Sand in the desert, which is, for now, the highest building in the world, simply showing an incredible mindset that the Emiratis possess.
Let me give you another example. No matter where you look in Dubai, you will see progress and vision. I hear so often, Yes, that’s easy because the country is rich, but that is a mistake if you ask me. Indeed they are among the wealthiest countries in the world. Still, money does not mean that you will create and execute visionary things that benefit the citizens, residents, tourists, and the Government at the same time.
For this, you need to have a team behind the leader that is pulling all together with all they have in the same direction, and this is very unique to me, to be honest. So these things attract me and motivate me to think outside of the box.

Do you believe that Global Partners Portal L.L.C. is the Next Billion-Dollar dot com company?
Well, let me put it this way. I am not a person of speculation. Who knows me knows that I love numbers and statistics as this is pretty much safe to me without guessing what could be or not. That’s not how I function.
If we put all numbers together, we will have this calculation that simply makes sense to me.
Alone in the European Union, we have around 24 Million small business owners without counting Non-EU countries like Serbia and so on. In the North- and South American markets combined with Asia, we are looking at a total of around 80 Million small businesses combined.
At Global Partners Portal L.L.C., we are offering a solution, not a product. The solution is to have a second income stream and secure your position as a small brand, shop, or start-up in your local area. Every start-up that came up with a solution to solve a problem instead of selling just a product became a +1 Billion Dollar company statistically.
So if you see that we offer a second income stream for every small business around the world for just 8.25 Euros per month or 99 Euros per year and calculate a real worst-case scenario of 1 Million registrations within the next 3-5 years, we will easily break through the one Billion dollar barrier.
We saw that on your website and still don’t understand how you can offer such a service for such a low price! What is the secret?
That’s an excellent question. There are no secrets here, but it is obviously impossible to find labor that will work for 8.25 Euros per month in any western country. I believe that even per hour in most European countries, people would not show up to work.
We have here 3 advantages that will guarantee the company’s success and also for every entrepreneur that decides to register on our website.
- We have high qualified I.T. professionals from India living and working in the U.A.E. They have a high income, but you save a considerable amount of money as a company compared to a business that you would run in Europe or the United States.
- We use a sophisticated machine learning A.I. algorithm to learn and connect registered companies with entrepreneurs and other small businesses B2B in the U.A.E. and later worldwide. To my knowledge, the U.A.E. has the first A.I. minister and the first A.I. University worldwide, so no wonder we have the infrastructure here to implement and use such technology for our business.
- With Chairman H. E. Tomasz Zaleski, who is representing His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Faisal Al Qassimi Private Office, we have a partner on our side that is on the Government level. Backed up by the Government makes your life in many areas far more effortless than just fighting the market as a lonely wolf. As you surely know, he appointed me as Business Advisor and Facilitator for His Highness Sheikh Ahmed Bin Faisal Al Qassimi’s Royal Private Office within the G.C.C. (Gulf Cooperation Council). Such a level of respect and trust can be only beneficial for the growth of any company.
How did you develop the idea to create the Global Partners Portal L.L.C. platform?
For many years I have been trying to show small business owners what basics they have to implement to bring their company to the next level. It turned out that I have a talent for doing this. Furthermore, I am doing this for free without selling a book or similar and using it as an umbrella just to make money. I am so grateful for what the universe gave me and remembering my first steps as an entrepreneur; I wish I had someone I could ask what to do next.
Banks do not want to finance you; these days are over. Your competitor will not tell you what does not work for obvious reasons, so you are left with 2 options: don’t do anything and try to survive each month or trial and error. I am the sort of person that
is never in survival mode. Trial and error brought me to this point, and obviously, I made more good than bad decisions.
A long discussion with my brother brought this idea to life. His idea was to import mineral water from Serbia to the U.A.E., so I thought this was a great idea, but there must be more. Step by step, we came to this problem-solving solution.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
It is difficult to answer as it would be speculating, and as you already know, that’s not me. However, I can promise you that I will not be retiring.
Thank you very much for this interview.
I have to say thank you.
Connect with Mr. Mario Radosavljevic on LinkedIn!
Check out Global Partners Portal L.L.C.: Website!