Arpan Kumar Chandel, better known by his stage name King and a household name for his rap song “Sahi Galat” from the hit movie Drishyam 2 starring Ajay Devgn, will perform at the Wireless Music Festival Yas Island Abu Dhabi. Wireless Festival, the UK’s signature event dedicated to hip-hop and urban music, is making its Abu Dhabi debut this year. “Kya Baat Hai” singer Nikita Gandhi is set to perform live in different cities across the country.
The hip-hop star, also known for his single “Maan Meri Jaan,” will feature Travis Scott, Lil Uzi Witt, Wegz, Blake Sherif and Ali Getty Join international icons to represent the Indian subcontinent. King’s career has been on the rise since appearing on the first season of the rap reality show “Hustle” in 2019; last year, he was seen as Hustle 2.0’s class leader. Kapil Sharma Show: Singer Suneeta Rao reveals to Archana Puran Singh how she lost her lead actress role in Jalwa.
Speaking about the upcoming festival, King said, “It will be extraordinary to perform with these talented music icons and see India recognized on the global urban music scene.” Looking ahead, the rapper exudes confidence. He said: “I am grateful for the love and response that has been shown to me across the country. I had a great 2022 but I prepared differently for 2023. This will be our year and watch us rule the globe Leaderboards now.”
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on January 11, 2023 at 08:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latest.com).
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