Led by renowned filmmaker Nawaf Al Janahi since 2014, Black Box Cinema has screened a total of 84 short narrative and documentary films over the past 5 festivals to an audience of over 8,330, with an actual audience of over 44,000. With less than seven days to go before the film submission deadline for one of the most-attended film festivals in the UAE, the sixth edition of the festival will be held at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair.
Call for all Arab produced or directed by Arab directors, submission deadline is January 6th, 2023. The film must be a short film. Documentary, narrative and experimental short films are welcome. If it is in a language other than English, it must have English subtitles.
Some of the films featured in previous editions include the Oscar-nominated short Hail Mary By Basil Khalil, bird feathers Sudanese filmmaker Amjad Abu Alala Sabir Helmer Khalid Al Mahmood, United Arab Emirates, Vision of Tara by Jordanian-born director Murad Abu Eisheh, and watermelon Directed by legendary Egyptian-British film director Mohammad Khan.
Often packed to capacity, with new and returning visitors of all ages and nationalities, Black Box Cinema is where a diverse audience can approach short Arabic films.
Application details and the appropriate form for your project can be found here.
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