An aspiring Indian LinkedIn influencer who claimed to have worked for prominent consultancy Deloitte has apologized for a now-deleted post in which he expressed his admiration for Adolf Hitler.
King Victor Emmanuel III, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini watch archival images of fascist troops marching through central Rome in 1941 archival television footage. Picture from REUTERS (Reuters)
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The post, titled “Inspiration Friday,” has drawn attention for its questionable content and sparked a flurry of backlash. Influential figure Neerabh Mehrotra has sought to draw parallels between Hitler’s qualities and the lessons his popularity at home could draw.
Mehrotra, who describes himself as an associate director in Deloitte’s risk advisory group, has drawn lessons from Hitler’s personality traits, including being “extremely confident,” “very intelligent” and “high in action.” He mentioned Hitler’s negative characteristics, but stressed that his domestic popularity could still provide learning opportunities.
Deleted LinkedIn post. (Image source: Motherboard)
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He wrote, “People used to love his energetic and patriotic speeches and his pure intentions for a great Germany.” The post ended with a Nazi salute “Heil Hitler!” and encouraged his followers to leave a comment in the comments section their thoughts.
The controversial post quickly surfaced on various online platforms, leading Mehrotra to issue an apology. He stated that he did not intend to hurt or hurt anyone’s feelings, admitted that he should have been more cautious, and promised not to discuss such figures in the future. He also humbly asks the LinkedIn community for forgiveness and urges them to continue their journey of growth together.
The apology was quickly removed as Deloitte’s media relations team and the CEO did not respond. While sources confirmed Mehrotra was employed by Deloitte, it was unclear whether he still had ties to the firm.
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He claimed he had “no intention of hurting anyone’s feelings”.
“I also want to clarify that this is my personal opinion and has nothing to do with my current or past ethnicity, religion, country or organization.”
After the apology, Mehrotra also deactivated his LinkedIn account. In response to the controversy, Deloitte has not issued an official statement. How the incident will be handled internally at the company, and whether any action will be taken on Mehrotra’s hiring, remains to be seen.
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