Entertainment always puts you in a different situation, and criticism makes me stronger.
This quote perfectly describes Chris Retief.
Chris says entertainment is a hobby he started 20 years ago. He performed whenever he got the chance and to this day can be seen at clubs, baby showers and parties of all kinds.
“My shows vary from show to show. I have 350 costumes and every song I perform has its own costume. It’s pure entertainment. I love and enjoy what I do. I charge based on the duration of the show , but I usually charge R850 per show. I usually perform about 45 minutes to an hour, involving seven outfits.
“I usually play oldies and wear ’50s and ’60s clothes,” says Chris.
The entertainer revealed to the Comaro Chronicle that when he performs, his stage name is Stephanie.
“When I first started it wasn’t easy and I used to struggle with it because I used to get criticized for being gay, especially when I was performing in front of straight people. I worked hard and now I’m not afraid to play performed in front of them.
“As gay people, we have to always strive to be accepted. People are always saying bad things about us.”
Chris encourages anyone to follow their instincts and do what they want.
“Learn from those who have done or are doing what you want to do, or who represent someone you want to emulate. Give all you have.”
Chris thanks his husband, family, friends and everyone who has supported him.
“I thank them for their support, I’m very lucky.”
In addition to being an entertainer, Chris enjoys catering, cooking and decorating. He is a bartender and married.
To book please contact him on 081 593 682.
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