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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Punjab Grill launches top chef’s Michelin tasting menu


Punjab Grill presents a Michelin-starred tasting menu by award-winning Chef Sandeep Ail in Downtown Dubai.

Chef Sandeep wows the senses by combining the beauty of contemporary design with the warmth and taste of Indian fusion cuisine. An elaborate Michelin tasting menu brings food to life – full of emotion, aromatic sensations and above all passion.

With the tantalizing aromas of freshly ground spices and innovative recipes, Chef Sandeep Ail takes you on a remarkable culinary journey through India. Embark with him on his journey as he crafts exhilarating culinary experiences that are bursting with flavor and presented to you with virtuosity. His talent has been recognized by bodies such as the Michelin Star Guide; an honor reserved only for the best of the best.

Dishes from this exclusive menu are sure to seduce all your senses with their intriguing flavors, delicious textures and tempting presentation, with a choice of 6 or 7 courses starting at AED 250 (USD 68 ), with vegetarian and non-vegetarian options available daily.

Every bite will be a show for your taste buds, and it’s not hard to see why friends and family will want to join you. Paneer Roulade with Makhani Saag and Roomali Roti, Jimikand ka Seekh and Phulka Tacos with pickled onions, and Kulfi with saffron Falooda Rose and Khus Granita are some of the dishes in this feast.

If you’re looking for a truly extraordinary Indian culinary experience, let Chef Sandeep Ail show you what this award-winning dish tastes like for a limited time only. – trade arab news agency


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