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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Empowering Growth: The Journey of R Interactives

Empowering Growth: The Journey of R Interactives


Could you share a brief overview of your career journey, including key milestones and transitions?

I began my career in television media in 2009, working with top reality shows in India such as Kaun Banega Crorepati, Indian Idol, and India’s Got Talent. However, after 2.5 years, I recognized the impending boom in the digital media industry, driven by the growing adoption of Facebook and increasing YouTube content consumption. This realization led me to join a digital media agency, where I helped clients optimize their media investments online.

After four years in digital media, I noticed that many traditional offline agencies wanted to expand into digital but lacked the expertise and were reluctant to hire high-cost resources.

This demand for consultants inspired me to start R Interactives. Our vision was to support creative and brand agencies in developing digital strategies to enhance client visibility and customer acquisition online. Since then, R Interactives has partnered with over 15 agencies and consulting firms, establishing a reputation for excellence in Growth Marketing and Investor Marketing services. Our philosophy centers on experimentation, leveraging consumer insights, category analysis, and historical data to conduct digital experiments that maximize the value of marketing programs and investments. We expanded to Dubai in 2023 and looking forward to expand in USA this year.

In addition to my work with R Interactives, I designed and delivered curriculum sessions for top MBA programs at Symbiosis and founded R Academy, an experiential learning platform for growth marketing. R Academy is now part of the Stanford LISA portfolio

How do you tackle challenges in your field amidst changing market dynamics and technological advancements?

R Interactives’ philosophy centers on experimentation. We formulate hypotheses grounded in consumer insights, category analysis, and historical data, conducting experiments in the digital realm to help brands maximize the value of their marketing programs and investments. We utilize technologies such as dynamic creatives and AI tools to personalize, automate, and scale marketing campaigns.

Our experimental approach enables us to test multiple strategies rapidly and efficiently, reducing effort, time, and budget while moving closer to achieving our clients’ business objectives.

R Interactives was started with a vision of helping creative and brand agencies to assist their clients in digital strategy to improve their clients visibility and acquire customers online. After working with more than 15 agencies and consulting companies R Interactives has built a name in consulting & execution of Growth Marketing & Investor Marketing services. Our philosophy is based on experimentation, we build hypotheses based on consumer insights, category insights & historic data to run experiments in the digital world, helping brands gain maximum value from the marketing programs & investments they run. 

R Interactives

How do you ensure your company remains adaptable to emerging trends and technologies?

By utilizing AI tools, dynamic creative optimization, and advanced analytics, we can extract deep insights from marketing campaigns, ensuring media investments are strategically allocated in R Interactives. Our extensive use of these tools gives us a thorough understanding of their strengths and limitations, allowing us to select the appropriate tool for each specific purpose

What are your future plans or goals for your career and company?

Our future plans include expanding into the USA to offer Investor Marketing services to funds seeking to raise capital from retail investors. Previously, we assisted a client in the Bay Area, USA, in raising $100 million for an opportunity zone fund. With our deep understanding of investor’s portfolio building strategies, and effectively targeting them, we are confident in our ability to help raise capital for various funds across the USA and UAE.

What valuable lessons have you learned throughout your career?

The most valuable lesson in R Interactives I’ve learned is to never fear trying new things. Constant experimentation is crucial, especially in the rapidly evolving martech world. To succeed, you must continually learn and quickly adopt new strategies across various projects.

How do you differentiate your services from competitors in the current market?

As mentioned, we adhere to an experimentation philosophy and aim to cultivate this culture within organizations.In R Interactives Rather than committing to a single approach or strategy, we embrace flexibility, testing various strategies, measuring their effectiveness, learning from the results, and scaling accordingly. This method enables us to identify what works and to what extent it can be scaled. Few companies follow this approach, which sets us apart.

How has your company effectively navigated and capitalized on emerging global market trends or shifts in consumer behavior?

Consumer behavior has shifted: users now prefer short-form content and dynamic, interactive advertisements. We utilize dynamic creative optimization tools to convey business propositions effectively. These tools allow us to pull data from CRM systems, analytics, websites, or any accessible channel, creating personalized advertising creatives on the fly. This approach helps us cater to different audience segments and engage them more effectively throughout the marketing journey

What are the most important qualities or skills you believe beginners should cultivate to thrive in this industry?
For beginners, I recommend focusing on three key skills:

1.Discipline: Developing strong discipline helps build a confident mindset and brings consistency to your efforts.

2.Continuous Learning: Always seek to learn new things related to your industry or marketing. This ongoing education will help you upgrade your skills and advance your career.

3.Experimentation: Don’t be afraid to try new things. Experimentation leads to discovering new opportunities and guides you on the path to success.

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