Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) has announced the departure of longtime Chief Financial Officer Robert Drake to be replaced by Ted Chan.
According to details the company announced late Monday, the transition will begin on March 1, 2023, and Chan will work with Drake for several months to ensure a smooth transition.
In this role, Chan officially resumed operations in Macau, having previously overseen GEG’s initiatives in Japan.
“Mr Chan has 20 years of operational and financial experience in the Macau and regional gaming industry,” said GEG vice-chairman Lui Yiu Tung.
“Ted joined GEG in 2018 as Chief Operating Officer, Japan Development. He has extensive gaming, hospitality and business development experience gained through various senior management positions. Ted has extensive knowledge of local integrated resorts “Combined with his more than two decades of management experience and familiarity with GEG, he is well-suited for this role. In addition, he will be supported by our existing highly qualified financial and investor relations teams to lead the company into the next era of growth.”
Mr Chan was formerly the Property President of Altira Macau, Melco Crown from 2008 to 2010, and Chief Operating Officer of the Melco Crown Group from 2010 to 2016 before retiring.
Lui added: “I would like to thank Mr Drake for his significant contribution to the Group over the past 15 years [as he] decided to pursue his personal interests.
“During his tenure, Bob has contributed to many important milestones, including: leading the company through the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, adding GEG to the Hang Seng Index, opening Galaxy Macau Phase I and Phase II as well as Broadway Macau, and more recently, GEG’s successful issuance of a new Macau gaming franchise, as well as preparations for its upcoming Phase III development in Cotai.
“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to him for his significant efforts and contributions to the Group during his many years of service.”
Drake will continue as GEG’s newly appointed Group Senior Advisor.
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