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Monday, September 30, 2024

The former president of Myanmar says the army tried to force him to hand over power military news


Win Myint’s testimony in court challenged the army’s insistence that there was no coup and that power was transferred legally.

According to his lawyers, Myanmar’s civilian president, Win Min, who was dismissed by the military, testified that the generals tried to force him to give up power a few hours before the February 1 coup and warned him that if he refused, he might be seriously injured.

The first public comment after Wim Myint was overthrown challenged the military’s statement that there was no coup and that power was legally transferred from the acting president to the general.

Win Min and the Nobel Peace Prize winner before the coup and the de facto government leader Aung San Suu Kyi testified in court. They were charged with inciting rebellion and sedition. These charges stemmed from letters with their names. These letters were sent to the embassy, ​​urging diplomats not to recognize the military government.

Myanmar’s head of state Win Min told the court in the capital Naypyidaw that two senior military officers found him on February 1 and demanded that he resign on the grounds of poor health.

“The president rejected their proposal and said he was in good health,” defense lawyer Khin Maung Zaw quoted his testimony in an English text message sent to reporters.

“The police officer warned him that denying it would cause him a lot of harm, but the president told them that he would rather die than agree.”

Aung San Suu Kyi is also scheduled to testify for the first time later this month.

On Tuesday, a spokesperson for Myanmar’s ruling military council did not answer a call seeking comment.

The suppression continues

Chin Maung Tso said that the defense rejected the charges against Win Min and Aung San Suu Kyi because they were held in solitary confinement.

Win Min and Aung San Suu Kyi have dismissed multiple allegations against them as false allegations. The defense lawyer representing the two of them said that Aung San Suu Kyi had suggested that Tuesday’s testimony be made public.

Because the armed forces intervened to prevent Aung San Su Gandhi from re-electing an office within the party, to prevent the armed forces from encroaching on Aung San Su Gandhi, to prevent Aung San Su Gandhi from forming a new government, to prevent Aung San Su Gandhi.

The generals claimed that the election was fraudulent, threatening the sovereignty of the country, and tried to defend the coup. However, the Election Commission found no evidence of misconduct in the polls.

Vice President Min Rui, a former military officer, was sworn in as President on February 1, and immediately transferred power to the military to supervise the state of emergency.

The generals have not publicly disclosed how Myint Swe took over the presidency from Win Myint.

The military has been cruelly suppressing dissidents-shooting protesters, arresting suspected dissidents in night raids, shutting down news media and rounding up journalists.

On Wednesday, social media posts showed that houses in the Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway areas were allegedly destroyed by the military.

Another post showed an anti-coup night attack in a village in the Sagaing area. According to reports, at least 10 political activists were detained by the authorities in Dagon Township in Yangon on Tuesday.

According to local monitoring organizations, more than 1,000 civilians have been killed since the coup in February.

The special representative of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has not yet visited the country, and negotiations for his meeting with military and opposition leaders are still ongoing.


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