Popular director and producer Nikhil Sinha has been tapped to direct the web series in Dubai. The news is that pre-production has begun, some of the biggest names in the film and OTT fraternity have signed, and three songs with an international musical feel will be integrated into the 7th Sense web series that will change the face of the OTT platform.
The recently released hot party number CASANOVA and the yet to be released SONIYE have been filmed in Dubai.
African party anthem “Casanova” starring Yo Yo Honey Singh, “Gucci Gang” American rapper Lil Pump and music producer DJ Shadow Dubai was included in the web series as a promotional track.
The second track is titled Soniye and stars internationally renowned Jason Derulo, Harnoor and Bollywood beauties Urvashi Rautela and Erica Fernandes. In the works is a third track with American rapper Rick Ross, which will also be part of 7th Sense.
In a recent talk about the remodel project and his inspiration for doing so, Gaurang Doshi said, “All good things take time, and remodeling just makes it bigger than ever. By God’s grace, this project It’s on track and I sincerely thank my cast and crew for their love and support, they’ve been strong and believed in me and this project. I’m so thankful to Mahesh Chaturvedi and Madhu Bhandari for their support and encouragement from beginning to end. Speaking of inspiration, since My mom is my biggest strength from the moment she brought me into this world. Whenever I am in a difficult phase of life, I just close my eyes and think about what she would advise me to do, and in the blink of an eye I am know what’s best.”
Talking about his work with Gaurang Doshi and Directing 7th Sense, Nikhil Sinha said, “I was very impressed by Gaurang’s extreme passion and experimental approach to cinema. When I heard the basic premise of 7th Sense, it was immediately Resonated with me and I can see the great potential this idea has to offer. I hope we can create something spectacular out of it. We’ve already filmed a music video with an international flavor that includes Jason Derulo , Lil Pump, Rick Ross and other world-renowned stars, and is the first East-West fusion of its kind, “The Seventh Sense” will likewise feature a global approach to the story, premise, cast and crew. The Seventh Sense will take audiences into new territory and I hope it will establish a new genre for Indian audiences.”
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