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Monday, July 1, 2024

The world reacts to the Taliban approaching the Afghan capital Taliban news


After the Taliban closed Kabul, the world reacted quickly because the takeover of armed groups seemed imminent on Sunday.

After the U.S.-led forces withdrew, the organization swept the country in a week of devastating offensive. Last week, its operations accelerated at lightning speed, occupying the country’s second and third largest cities, Kandahar and Herat, and shocked Western countries as the defenses of the Afghan army collapsed.

Taliban Order its fighters to prevent entry into Kabul, Afghan Interior Minister Abdul Sattar Mirzakwal stated that the transitional government will “transfer power peacefully.”

Here is the world’s reaction to the Taliban’s siege of the capital Kabul:


Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri told Geo News TV: “We are concerned about the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan… We have not yet made any decision to close the embassy.”

European Union

European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas said in a tweet: “Time is running out. How long can we wait to pass the comprehensive reform of European immigration and asylum rules we need.”

Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden issued a statement before the Taliban entered Kabul, saying: “If the Afghan army cannot or will not defend its own country, it will not make any difference if the United States is stationed for another year or five years.

The endless existence of the United States in another country’s civil war is unacceptable to me. “


An American official said that unless the Taliban influence the withdrawal of the embassy, ​​the United States is unlikely to change its military strategy in Kabul.

The official, who asked not to be named, said that the United States has not yet seen the Taliban enter Kabul on a large scale.

The official said that military helicopters were shuttled between the embassy compound and the airport. Given the security conditions, the “core presence” would stay there for as long as possible.


Russian Foreign Ministry official Zamir Kabulov said that Russia is cooperating with other countries to hold an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Afghanistan.

“We are working on this,” Kabulov told the Russian news agency, adding that the meeting would be held.

Russia is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, in addition to the United States, Britain, France and China.

Kabulov also stated that Moscow did not intend to withdraw from its embassy in Kabul, saying that the Taliban had provided Russia and other countries-he did not mention-security guarantees for their mission in Afghanistan.


An official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Indian Embassy in Kabul will not be closed, but officials are quickly formulating an evacuation plan.


According to domestic media reports, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (Boris Johnson) will seek to recall Parliament during the summer vacation in response to the developing crisis in Afghanistan.

Downing Street sources told the Sky News and Press Association that members of Parliament may be recalled for an urgent debate on what the UK should do next after losing 457 soldiers in the two-year war.


Albanian Prime Minister Eddie Rama stated that Albania will temporarily accommodate hundreds of Afghans who cooperate with Western peacekeeping forces and are now threatened by the Taliban.

Rama stated on his Facebook page that the U.S. government has requested Albania as a “transit place for a certain number of Afghan political immigrants whose final destination is the U.S.”.

“There is no doubt that we will not refuse,” he said.

The Prime Minister of Albania stated that his country stands with the United States, “not only when we need them to solve our problems…even when they need us, anytime”.


Pope Francis called for an end to the conflict in Afghanistan through dialogue so that his people can live in an environment of peace, security and mutual respect.

“I joined the unanimous concerns about the situation in Afghanistan. I ask you to join me in praying to the god of peace to end the clamor of weapons and find a solution at the dialogue table,” Francis said to the pilgrims and tourists in St. Peter’s Square .

“Only in this way can the martyred population of the country-men, women, the elderly and children-return to their homes and live a peaceful and safe life with complete mutual respect,” he said.


Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schellenberg said that instability will “spread Europe.”

“Sooner or later, conflicts and instability in the region will spread to Europe and thus to Austria,” Austria’s APA news agency quoted him as saying when announcing a meeting to aid Afghanistan’s neighboring countries in Central Asia.


The Swedish Public Radio quoted sources as saying that Sweden will withdraw all its embassy staff from Kabul.

Taliban militants began to enter Kabul on Sunday after taking control of all major cities in Afghanistan except the capital.


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