The US has handed over Guantanamo Bay detainee Majid Khan to Belize. Khan is accused of being a courier for funds used in the 2003 bombing of the JW Marriott hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia. Ezra Kaplan file photo for UPI
February 2 (United Press International) — America has moved Guantanamo Bay The Ministry of Defense announced on Thursday that detainee Majid Khan was being sent to Belize.
Khan charged by his captors with plot to assassinate Pakistan’s ex-president Pervez Musharrafand acted as a courier for the funds used in the 2003 JW Marriott Bombing in Jakarta, Indonesia.
“Majid Khan pleaded guilty before the Military Council in February 2012. Under the terms of the plea agreement, Khan pledged to cooperate with the U.S. government and fulfill his commitment to cooperate,” Press release from the Department of Defense.
Khan, a native of Saudi Arabia, was captured in Pakistan in 2003 and transferred to the CIA, which held him in a secret facility before transferring him to Guantanamo.During his detention, he Repeatedly tortured Beaten and waterboarded by his captors.
Military prosecutors said in the military trial of Riduan “Hambali” Isomuddin, who is accused of directing the 2002 bombing of a nightclub in Bali and the 2003 attack on the JW Marriott Hotel, Khan said act as a courier For so-called terrorists.
The military commission at Guantanamo Bay does not allow detainees to defend themselves in the same way as those charged in civilian courts.Despite a US court ruling in 2020 that the detainees were no right to due processthe existence of the facility is considered by many observers to violate legal and constitutional norms, including American Civil Liberties Union and amnesty international.
A panel of experts appointed by the UN Human Rights Council condemned the facility’s use in 2022.
“Guantanamo Bay is a notorious site where torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment were systematically used against hundreds of people who were brought there and deprived of their most basic rights,” The experts concluded.
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