In the video, Bhuvana said she was living in Chennai with her daily bet husband James and their two daughters Lesina, 16, and Lydia, 14, when she decided to go to Dubai. For this, she found a Choolaimedu agent and paid him Rs. According to the Times of India, 10,000 were used for medical examinations.
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She said she arrived in Dubai in February this year, promising to pay 150 dinars (3,300 rupees) a month, but her employer only paid her 102 dinars (2,264 rupees) a month.
She said her day starts at 5am and ends at 1am the next day. She accused Choolaimadu’s agent of lying to her, saying he told her she had to take care of a couple and their children, when in reality, she had to work for 13-15 people.
Bhuvana accused her employer of abusing her and beating her when she insisted on taking a break. She said her injuries did not allow her to receive treatment and she was forced to continue working.
She said she managed to sneak into the bathroom on her phone at night, where she made a video of her plight and sent it to her husband.
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