30.1 C
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Two months after grounding, drones are aimed at airports in northern Iraq-News


At least two drones carrying explosives aimed at the airport; no casualties were reported

According to security forces and officials in the Kurdish-controlled area, drones loaded with explosives attacked the Erbil International Airport in northern Iraq late Saturday, where the US-led coalition forces were stationed there and no casualties were reported.

The Kurdistan Counter-Terrorism Agency said in a statement that at least two drones carrying explosives were aimed at the airport. It said the attack did not cause any casualties.

The spokesman for the northern semi-autonomous region, Lauk Gafuri, said the explosives had exploded outside the airport and refuted reports that the attack affected flights. He said the airport is still open and the Kurdish authorities are investigating.

The attack was the first after two months of suspension of drone and rocket attacks against the US presence in Baghdad and military bases across Iraq. On July 8, the rocket landed in and around the heavily guarded Green Zone of Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, where the US Embassy is located. It caused material damage, but no casualties.

Until recently, these attacks occurred frequently. The United States accused Iranian-backed militias of launching the attack. Recently, attacks have become more complicated, with militants using drones instead of Katyusha rockets.


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