
exclusive: Greenwich Entertainment acquired the U.S. distribution rights to the French comedy Two plane tickets to Greece (aka Cyclades), starring Cesar Award winner Laura Karami (Call my agent!), Olivia Cotter (my donkey my love and me) and Academy Award nominee kristen scott thomas (british patient). will be released in theaters July 14.
The film will open with Searchlight Pictures’ Sundance comedy drama campIFC Films’ Lakota Nation and AmericaRoadside Attractions Sports Doctor black iceKino Lorber’s Horror Comedy advance to the final rom-com from filmmaker Michel Hazanavicius, Vertical modelercrunchy Psych Pass Providence and MM2 Entertainment’s Thriller shadow.
written and directed by Mark FitusiWho has worked with Calamy Call my agent!, Two plane tickets to Greece Recently divorced Blandine (Côte) watches helplessly as her only son runs away from home when her ex-best friend Magalie (Calamy) pops up and encourages them to take their teenage dream trip to the Greek Islands. trip. However, Magalie’s very different travels and lifestyle wreak havoc on their vacation, including some memorable moments with Magalie’s free-spirited friend (Thomas).
The producers of Pic are Caroline Bonmarchand and Isaac Sherry.
Greenwich’s Edward Ahrendts said in a statement to Deadline: “When crazy Laure Calamy decides to take a vacation to the Greek Islands with her pals, enjoy the excitement of a vacation comedy skilfully written and performed in an exotic setting. The audience will be delighted.”
Arentz represented Greenwich Entertainment and Indie Sales’ Nicolas Eschbach negotiated the acquisition on behalf of the filmmaker.
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