Authorities in the United Arab Emirates recently announced a visa ban on 20 African countries. The specific visa category that is banned is the 30-day visa, which the authorities highlighted in the announcement.
“We would like to inform you that we will no longer be issuing 30-day visa applications for these countries, effective October 18, 2022,” the notice said. According to the BBC, List of banned countries Including Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of Guinea, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Togo and Uganda…
Trading partners and travel agencies have ordered all applications from the 20 banned African countries to be rejected, according to a notice issued by UAE authorities.
“All submitted applications for Dubai are now rejected. This is common for Nigerians and approvals are currently on hold. Please advise your clients to re-submit the C2=A0 application once the issue has been resolved by both governments,” the notice reads. .
While reports of the UAE’s visa ban on 20 African countries have been circulating online, Uganda’s ambassador to the UAE, HE Kibedi Zaake, recently appeared on state television to refute the claims and suggest that the UAE’s visa regime is being re-evaluated.
“The statement that the UAE stopped issuing visit visas to Uganda is incorrect. I don’t know the source of this misinformation, but it’s not true,” Kibedi says“The UAE’s visa system has just been revamped and it now takes up to five days to get a visa instead of two days as before.”
He also warned people not to take social media news outbreaks seriously.
“Ugandans are not banned from getting UAE visas. We should avoid social media. I’m telling you the truth.”
The UAE’s relations with many African countries have been controversial recently. It was reported last year that immigration authorities in the Middle East had barred Nigerians from applying for visas and work permits. In December 2021, Emirates also announced eight African countries prohibit Travelling from Dubai until further notice due to the spread of Covid 19.
While Dubai is an attractive holiday destination for many Africans, the history between several African countries and the UAE is shaky at best.Earlier this year, a viral video leaked online showing hundreds of Nigerians stranded on Dubai International Airport. At the time, there were reports that the Nigerian government was not doing much to protect its citizens. Although the UAE has not given the exact reason for the recent ban, their recent statement seems to hint at the idea of ​​a rift between the Nigerian government and the UAE government.
Here are some social media reactions to the ban
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