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UAE: Companies can’t require new employees to start working before they get residency visa – News


The MoHRE clarifies some of the rules employers must follow when recruiting from abroad

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published: Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 8:40 am

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) clarified that private companies cannot start new employees unless they obtain a residence visa from the General Directorate of Residence and Foreigners Affairs.

The ministry explained on its website that companies should not allow new employees to start working on the basis of obtaining an initial work permit, which is only provided temporarily to new employees to complete the residency process.

MoHRE responded to frequently asked questions in clarifying these rules.

When a person is granted permission to work in the country, they are required to have the professional competencies or educational qualifications the country requires, officials said.

An employer who wants to bring in foreign workers from abroad under a work permit must apply to the ministry for a “quota” and then print a job offer that he will present to the workers. A job offer contains a comprehensive description of the respective rights and obligations of both parties. This document is then electronically signed and sent online to workers in their home country, or to the relevant employment agency, where the worker can review it and give their consent by signature or fingerprint.

The ministry noted that the job offer is available in both Arabic and English. It is also available in a third language that the worker understands, with an appendix containing all the details of the provisions of the Labor Relations Regulation Act.

5 Conditions for Getting a Work Permit Approved

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation confirmed that there are five main conditions that employers must comply with in order to approve a work permit application for their facility.

1. Submit a job offer signed by both parties, indicating the working relationship between the facility owner and the worker

2. Check if the employee does not have any existing work permit or work card with another company

3. Make sure employees are over 18 years old

4. To provide employees with work commensurate with the activities of the enterprise

5. A bank guarantee of Dh3,000 per employee, deposited into MoHRE’s bank account through one of the recognized banks in the country


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