Experts worry Emirati women don’t have the same rights as men to pass on citizenship to children
UN experts on Monday urged the United Arab Emirates to give women the same citizenship rights as men and called for equal rights for both sexes in marriage and divorce.
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) at its fourth periodic review United Arab Emirates.
CEDAW is a body of 23 independent experts that oversees the implementation of the Treaty to End Discrimination against Women.
“The Committee is concerned about various provisions of the Personal Status Act, which Discrimination Against women and girls, especially the legal retention of male custody, the persistence of polygamy and the limited grounds for divorce available to women,” it said.
“It recommends that the State party undertake a comprehensive legislative review to provide women with equal rights in marriage, family relations, divorce and custody of property and children.”
Experts are also concerned that women in the UAE do not have the same rights as men to pass on citizenship to their children.
They urged the country to give Emirati women “equal rights to acquire, change and retain their nationality and grant it to children and foreign spouses.”
Committee member Liana Dalaya told reporters that the UAE had made “significant progress” since 2015 and the last periodic review, and hoped that the agency’s recommendations would also be accepted.
She also said that the UAE is taking These issues are taken into account.
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