The video, shared on the Police Traffic and Patrol Directorate on the social media platform, shows a four-wheeler jumping through a traffic light in Abu Dhabi before crashing into a white sedan driving through an intersection. The collision severely damaged the sedan.
The clip is part of the police ‘Road to Safety’ campaign, which aims to raise awareness of dangerous driver behaviour, and encourage road users to stay safe.
“The Abu Dhabi Police Traffic and Patrol Department warns drivers of the dangers of distracted use of mobile phones while driving, which is one of the leading reasons for skipping traffic lights, as well as other behaviors that distract motorists while driving,” the police said.
Abu Dhabi Police said earlier this year that 2,850 motorists were fined for running red lights in the emirate of Abu Dhabi last year. In fact, this penalty remains one of the harshest in Abu Dhabi.
Under Law No. 5 of 2020 on vehicle impoundment, violators will be fined Dh1,000 and 12 traffic black points for running a red light. Additionally, the vehicle will be impounded for 30 days and Dh50,000 must be paid to release the impounded vehicle. Motorists will also have their driving licenses suspended for six months. If the impounded vehicle is not released within three months, it will be auctioned off.
Using a handheld device while driving, or engaging in other potentially distracting behaviour, including grooming yourself or talking to passengers, is also subject to a Dh800 fine.
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