Mark Zuckerberg announced the launch of WhatsApp’s “Communities” feature. According to Meta, the community feature is now available to all users worldwide.
WhatsApp has been testing the community feature in several regions since it was announced earlier this year. Essentially, it acts as a collection of groups, and sending a message to a community will reach every member of each group.
WhatsApp Communities is designed to unite local communities, school parents and employers. In order to schedule group conversations on WhatsApp, users will be able to connect to multiple groups under one umbrella. To create communities, the company partners with more than 50 organizations in 15 countries.
How to use the community?
Users can access the new community options at the top of the chat on Android or the bottom of the chat on iOS. From there, users can add existing groups or create new communities from scratch. Once users are in the community, they can quickly switch between accessible groups to get the information they need when they need it, and administrators can provide important updates to everyone in the community.
community purpose
WhatsApp wants to improve the platform’s broadcasting capabilities. It noted that this would serve as a benchmark for business communications. Even with the new features, WhatsApp insists it offers a high level of privacy and security. According to WhatsApp, end-to-end encryption will protect messages and data from the company itself.
In addition to communities, WhatsApp has three major enhancements.
32 people video call
The maximum number of participants in a WhatsApp video call is now 32. Due to this feature, the platform will be used more frequently for organizational purposes. WhatsApp will be able to compete with platforms like Zoom.
WhatsApp group size increased to 1024
WhatsApp is increasing the maximum number of users per group. The limit has been increased from 512 to 1024. Larger group sizes will allow WhatsApp to compete with services such as Telegram.
Vote in WhatsApp group chat
Additionally, WhatsApp is rolling out a new method for group voting. Polls can be a useful tool for voting on big issues within a group, especially if the group grows significantly and even the community grows.
(input from institution)
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