Meet Mike Valentine (Edgar Ramirez), a resourceful fellow embroiled in one twisted Elmore Leonard-esque mystery after another. A gambling-addicted ex-cop, Mike reluctantly agrees to pay off his debt to wayward Philadelphia gangster Moss Yankov (Emory Cohen) headed to Central Florida for the hot Delly West (Abbey Lee), Moss’ runaway girlfriend.The mission kicks off a series of comedic encounters floridaa seven-episode series filled with powerful shadowy characters.
One of Mike’s many complications in the Sunshine State is his father, retired police chief Sonny Valentine (who doesn’t want to admit he’s from there)Anthony LaPaglia).
“My character is not trustworthy,” LaPaglia explained. That’s an understatement. “He’s been out of Mike’s life for a while, but they have a healthy distrust of each other.”
Despite Sonny’s attempts to mend the relationship, life for the couple is complicated.
“One of the things that Mike really dislikes about himself is that he’s closer to his dad in terms of what he’s willing to do,” LaPaglia said. They embarked on an adventure that involved a lucrative payday, and at one point, the 64-year-old star thrilled by taking an underwater adventure.
“I spent three weeks studying [to scuba dive]’ he said, adding, ‘Edgar doesn’t like it much! ’ Not surprising given the roles they played.
florida Premiere on April 13 Netflix. Limited series from this is us Creator Donald Todd & Executive Producer Jason Bateman and Michael Costigan.This is the latest collaboration between the two, their multi-year production agreement with the streamer what brings Ozark to the small screen.
Other star ratings include otmara marrero, Lex Scott Davis, Clark Gregg, Isaiah Johnson, paul schneiderand Lauren BuglioliTune in to see why Mike’s filthy hometown keeps holding him back.
Floridian, limited series premiere, Thursday, April 13, Netflix
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