THESSALONIKI (Greece) , May 30 (AP) Greek authorities said Monday they arrested five policemen from a special border force who were suspected of working with smugglers to help migrants enter the country from neighboring Turkey. country.
The five suspects are believed to have facilitated the entry of at least 100 people since late October by boat across the Evros River, which borders Turkiye along Greece’s northeastern land border, a police statement said.
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Police confiscated about 26,000 euros ($28,000) in cash and nearly 60 mobile phones during arrests in the border town of Didymoteicho on Monday. The operation follows an investigation by the police internal affairs team.
For those seeking a better life in the EU, the Evros River is a key crossing point into Greece. Greece has already built tall fences along most of its borders to keep migrants out and plans to expand them further. (Associated Press)
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