GGerman Finance Minister Christian Lindner has expressed support for the introduction of a digital euro. Germans fear it could mean the end of cash.
“We should take advantage of the introduction of the digital euro to take a major leap in innovation: digital cash could make our daily lives easier and be an engine of economic growth,” Lindner tweeted on Nov. 7. He later clarified: “There is no talk of abolishing #cash. Instead, we are working to ensure that the planned digital euro has the same properties in terms of privacy as the printed and minted euro.”
Outbound cash: in 2022 Report, Germany’s central bank noted that people will withdraw on average 10% less in 2021 than in 2017. The study found that between 2017 and 2020, the proportion of cash payments “declined sharply”. This trend accelerated further in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown policies.
as a result of: Banks have closed branches across the country as more customers do business online. German bank Raiffeisenbank Hochtaunus went a step further, announcing the closure of all its branches by December 1.according to financial scene, The bank informs its customers: “At the branch (counter and ATM) will no longer be possible in the future. “
- While banks aren’t completely eliminating their customers’ ability to access cash, it shows how quickly things we take for granted can end.
Danger: While the digital euro promises to spend anonymously, the reality is that these privacy features could disappear overnight once physical cash is abolished.
The prophecy says: Against the backdrop of financial surveillance, the Bible reveals that Europe will exercise unprecedented control over its citizens. Revelation 13:17 says: “[N]A man may buy or sell, except that which bears the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of the name of the beast. New technology has made the fulfillment of this prophecy easier than ever. But many people misunderstand this passage. Read Who or what is the beast of prophecy? Learn what the mark of the beast is and how dozens of biblical prophecies apply to today’s modern Europe.
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