Broadcast time: June 27, 2023 • Small Daily
celebrate sin
pride month filth (40 minutes)
“We’re here, we’re gay, we’re here for your children,” marchers chanted at Sunday’s annual New York City Pride parade as the world celebrates an immoral, anti-family way of life august festival trumpet Focusing on the issue of America’s culture wars is especially timely.
CNN ‘Bombshell’: Trump talks about documents on tape (15 minutes)
CNN has aired a recording of Donald Trump talking about classified documents, insisting prosecutors will be able to use the recording to eventually “catch Trump.” Conservative Treehouse author Mark Bradman (known as “Sundance”) explained in a recent essay that the recordings are practically useless and not admissible in court.
this trumpet daily Prove that the Bible is relevant to your life.
trumpet Executive Editor Stephen Flurry hosts a program covering a wide range of topics, with a focus on world news.this trumpet daily Live every Sunday at 11am Central.You can watch the live video stream theTrumpet.com/live. The show is available to watch on your favorite podcast app.
- Edmond, Oklahoma: 11 a.m. Central, 101.3 KPCG FM
- Nationwide: CRN 3 digital broadcast at 11:00 a.m. CT
- Nationwide: Online Small Daily Network
About Stephen Frari
Stephen Flurry is executive editor of The Philadelphia Trumpet Newsmagazine and president of the Herbert W. Armstrong College in Edmond, Oklahoma.
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