New Delhi [India], July 11 (ANI): Foreign Minister Jaishankar Jaishankar will pay a six-day visit to both countries from July 12-18. As the first stop of the visit, ASEAN foreign ministers will go to Indonesia to attend the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting to be held from July 13 to 14, and then go to Thailand to attend the Mekong-Ganges Cooperation Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. the foreign ministry said on Tuesday.
Jakarta, Indonesia will visit Jakarta, Indonesia from July 13 to 14 to attend the ASEAN-India, East Asia Summit and ASEAN Regional Forum Foreign Ministers’ Meeting under the ASEAN framework.
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The foreign minister will also hold bilateral meetings with foreign ministers of other countries. India’s participation in this ASEAN-centric regional architecture signifies India’s firm commitment to ASEAN’s centrality in the Indo-Pacific region.
After Jakarta, EAM will go to Bangkok, Thailand on July 16, 2023 to participate in the 12th Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) Mechanism Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.
The MGC is one of the oldest institutions in the lower Mekong region, guided by India’s Look East policy.
In Bangkok, EAM will also participate in the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multisectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Foreign Ministers’ Retreat on 17 July 2023.
BIMSTEC is an economic and technological initiative that brings together the countries of the Bay of Bengal for multifaceted cooperation. This retreat will discuss ways to further deepen the BIMSTEC agenda and strengthen the organization. (Arnie)
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