MEXICO CITY, June 28 (AP) — Latino immigrants on the difficult journey to the United States are often victims of scams that can cost thousands of dollars in losses from scam businesses that spread false information and prey on vulnerable people.
Scammers range from human traffickers (often called coyotes) to social media influencers, many of whom pose as job recruiters, legal counsel or immigration coaches.
Most impostors take advantage of the many twists and turns of U.S. immigration policy to trick immigrants into paying for bogus legal advice, work visas, political asylum, or other means of crossing the U.S.-Mexico border.
About a quarter of immigrants surveyed earlier this month said they received news of offers of immigrant services and employment opportunities mainly through Facebook and WhatsApp. Two-thirds of the 210 people surveyed said they had fallen victim to some kind of fraud or misinformation. One immigrant said he paid $1,500 for a form that turned out to be fake. (Associated Press)
(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from a syndicated news feed, the latest staff may not have revised or edited the body of content)
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