Nazara will acquire 100% of the company and its intellectual property from existing shareholders in an all-cash transaction.
WildWorks’ revenues in CY21 and H1CY22 were $13.8 million and $5.8 million, respectively, and EBITDA was $3.1 million and $1.6 million in CY21 and H1CY22, respectively.
Founded in 2003, WildWorks is one of the most successful and established game studios focused on the 8-12-year-old market, and is the #1 grossing app in this category. Wildworks’ mobile app has attracted more than 150 million players over the past decade, and thanks to today’s deal, WildWorks expects to expand into new products and territories in 2023 and beyond. The two original founders, CEO Clark Stacey and COO Jeff Amis, will continue in their current roles at the company and lead their next phase of growth as part of the Friends of the Nazara Network.
powered by Capital Markets – Real Time News
(This story was not edited by Business Standard staff and was automatically generated from a syndicated feed.)
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