ABU DHABI – Department of Health – Abu Dhabi (DoH), the emirate’s healthcare sector regulator, has included optional genetic screening in its premarital screening program with a test set covering 570 medical conditions.
Incorporating premarital testing into the program aims to improve the health and quality of life of families by avoiding recurrent genetic diseases.
The department will leverage its advanced healthcare infrastructure and innovation ecosystem to leverage DNA sequencing technology and anticipate an individual’s medical condition, and encourage the translation of advanced genetic data provided through the Emirates Genome Initiative into clinical practice.
This step is part of DoH’s ongoing efforts to enhance the patient’s journey at different stages of their healthcare experience, including the diagnostic phase, genetic counseling and the introduction of reproductive medicine solutions.
Prevention programs aim to identify carriers of recessive genetic diseases for couples planning to marry and uncover any possibility of passing adverse and chronic genetic diseases to offspring, which may require complex treatment. Additionally, it will connect couples with reproductive medicine solutions and options.
The pilot phase will be led by trained family physicians and will begin at two Ambulatory Health Services (AHS) centers including Oud Al Touba Health Center and Al Maqta Health Centre.
Dr Asmaa Al Mannaei, Executive Director of the DoH Center for Research and Innovation, said: “Integrating Genome Project capabilities into premarital screening reflects the department’s efforts to achieve a ‘Healthier Abu Dhabi’. This step is one of a kind Preventive measures that protect and maintain the health and wellbeing of our communities.As a major destination for life sciences, Abu Dhabi today hosts some of the most innovative healthcare solutions in the world that go beyond treating patients , can also improve the quality of life for them and future generations. The expansion of the premarital program aims to provide the highest level of quality care by incorporating operational best practices and integrating the latest technology.”
Dr Omniyat Al Hajeri, Executive Director of Community Health at Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre, said: “The pre-marital screening program is mandatory for couples wishing to marry in the UAE. Leading part of the ongoing refinement and expansion of the screening program serving the Abu Dhabi community and is offered on a voluntary basis so couples come voluntarily for counseling. The program benefits future generations as it enables new spouses to Identify the causative genes for diseases that their children may carry. Thus, it will contribute to a healthier, disease-free society and reduce the burden of treatment on parents and the healthcare sector. At Abu Dhabi Health Centre, we have dedicated a an annual program related to premarital testing, and the expansion of its genetic testing brings us closer to what we are trying to achieve.”
Dr. Noura Al Ghaithi, Acting Chief Executive Officer of Ambulatory Healthcare Services, which is working with DoH on the program, said: “Expanding the premarital screening program will ultimately reduce the number of genetic disorders within a single generation. Next, will improve the overall health of our communities.”
The UAE Genome Project operates according to the highest ethical and governance standards, ensuring data privacy and security for all participants. Participation in the program will also support ongoing efforts to develop healthcare strategies that meet the specific needs of the population and help advance personalized and preventive medicine in the UAE.
Couples who wish to be tested are advised to consider genetic testing prior to marriage to develop a disease management plan in advance. After their visit to the health center, the doctor will explain in detail the testing process, goals, capabilities, benefits and challenges of this screening.
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