TV actor Iqbal Khan, who received many positive responses for his role as “Dev” in the show “Na Umra Ki Seema Ho”, celebrated his 42nd birthday in Dubai on Friday as he took a day off from filming the show’s schedule.
tv actor Iqbal Khanhe got a lot of positive responses for his work as “Dev” on the show”Na Umra Ki Seema Ho’, celebrated his 42nd birthday in Dubai on Friday as he took a day off from the show’s filming schedule.
Sharing his birthday plans, Iqbal said: “I thank God for making me a year older and wiser. This year I will be celebrating my birthday in Dubai with my family because it is usually difficult to get from On vacation there. Working so as a birthday present I have stopped filming and will be spending quality time with my family in beautiful Dubai”.
He added: “Again, my birthday is going to be a little bit special this year because my little girl turns 1 right after mine so I’m feeling overwhelmed to see the kids grow up so fast” .
As Iqbal, he is commonly known as Shah Rukh Khan The TV industry superstar traveled to Dubai to celebrate his birthday and the crew and cast of his show ‘Na Umra Ki Seema Ho’ surprised him with cake on set and celebrated with him.
In a recent track, the viewer saw Dev and Vidhi get married and take a step in their new journey in life, but Dev had to leave Vidhi at home and go on a business trip right after their marriage.
“Na Umra Ki Seema Ho” airs on Star Bharat from Monday to Saturday at 8pm.
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